Friday, December 3, 2010

Date Night

Stressed out world, kids hectic schedules, exhausted by the time dinner is over, but need to reconnect with partner. Does it feel like the last thing you want to do? You just want to go to sleep, but we all need to connect with our partners every day. We need to work at the relationship. We need to talk, listen, and touch. So what about having a date night once a week? Why not get a babysitter and get out no matter what; just walk away from the kids. For me, I get to go out once a weekend and my girls get to go out once a weekend. It must be a priority. If making time for your partner isn't a priority then why isn't it? Some of us have time for just about anybody and anything else.

So many couples run around all week and exist only for their children. Have you noticed how many spoiled kids there are out there? Kids today are so selfish and so overindulged that they don't even value their own parent's relationship. Don't you think that parents should realize the value of their own relationship as opposed to being only a Mom or Dad?

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